Saturday, October 7, 2017

Jericho Field Trip

The first stop on our Jericho field trip was the Wadi Qelt. From this point, one can see both Jerusalem, and Jericho, as well as some trails that lead between the two cities. The perfect setting to talk about the parable of the Good Samaritan.


We were also in the wilderness area near where Christ was baptized, probably a possible setting for the temptations of Jesus. We spent a few minutes reading Matthew and Luke four, pondering these temptations.

Our next stop was Jericho. We stopped in front of a beautiful fountain, and read the account in Second Kings 2 of Eisha healing the waters of Jericho.


Dr. Grey gave an engaging overview of the archeological history of the site. Later in the day, when he talked about the walls around Jericho and some conflicts between archaeological findings in the Biblical account, he shared a great testimony about the importance of grappling with difficult issues in the household of faith.


John and Lani get a quick picture together by an ancient tower. Looking at some trees in the distance, we also pondered Luke 19, and Zaccheus climbing a tree to see Jesus.


We reviewed several scriptural events that happened at or near Jericho. Two events that took place here, that you might not be aware took place here, were Elisha going with Elijah, when Elijah was taken up to heaven, and the death of Zedekiah.


Our final stop on this half-day field trip, was Herod’s Winter Palace. We reviewed some of Herod’s accomplishments, and also some of his maniacal tendencies. He died on this spot, and we read some gruesome details about his death .


Seeing these Herod’s ruins, and comparing them with the great legacy of Jesus teaches important lessons about the kind of people we ought to be.

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