For my Eagle Project many years ago I made toy blocks for children at a homeless shelter. As our family prepares to go to Mexico this Christmas we have been trying to figure out some projects we could do now that we could perhaps give to those we serve this Christmas. Sister Stokes, an awesome lady in our ward, suggested making toy blocks, and since I have some experience with it, we decided to give it a go. Making T-Shirt dresses, and doing a cookie sale at Target to raise money are also on the list.
Yesterday we went to
Lowes to buy the wood for the blocks (for my Eagle Project I worked hard to get donated lumber, but figured that would be too much hassle this time around). We selected some pieces of wood, and everyone was excited!

Mom and dad we really excited because Bryson (the employee who helped us find the wood) gave us the ultimate hookup when he volunteer to do all the cutting for us for free (normal charge = 25 cents a cut which would have been about $50.00 in our case). He said that because the blocks were for orphans he would do it no charge.
We marked the blocks right then and there to get the right lengths on all the different lengths of blocks.

Then we watched Bryson in action!

Levi counted up all of our blocks and we have about 200. We'll be sanding and oiling them in the next week or two and the kids plan to sew bags for them. We're excited!