On Wednesday we had a special dinner in Salt Lake for those who had published with Deseret Book. All of the DB folks (including Sheri Dew) were very excited about the new WHY book and there was all kinds of buzz about it. So that was nice. Best of all, I got to visit very briefly with Elder Bednar, who was the keynote speaker.
His talk was very powerful--focusing on questions he is asked in the conferences he attends, and focused on the importance of personal ministry. There was a great spirit there.
As we were driving home my car (which has been making funny noises for a few weeks) began to act funnier...the lights grew dimmer, and dimmer...about Pleasant Grove the car died...were were going 60 on the freeway and I pulled over. It wouldn't restart, and there was a burning smell coming from the car...not good. Lani's parents were the heros, picking her up--and Rebecca Eaton, daughter of my friend Rob Eaton who had traveled with us.
I went home with the tow truck man...glad we have AAA!
Here is a picture of Lani and Rebecca and our poor car, probably on its last leg.

I had a good experience talking with the tow truck man and inviting him to church.
We have been humbled in the car department because we have lost not one, but both of the keys to the van. It is parked in our garage and going nowhere. Yikes! Fortunately, Lani's sister Sarah is kindly letting us borrow her car for awhile. We have offered bounties of up to $30 and had 10+ people searching, but to no avail. Monday it will be towed (hooray for AAA) to the dealership and for the low price of $120 we will have two new keys made.
Friday we went with some friends to SLC for a CES fireside. Elder Quentin L. Cook was the speaker. It was a great talk. What I will remember most though is how afterwards there was a dinner. Lani and I went late because we took some time to visit with an old institute student, Gina Perdomo who is serving in Temple Square. When we arrived and got our food we saw two spaces ... at Elder Cook's table. I thought it was wiser not to sit there though, and we sat close by.
I got up to visit with folks and I noticed that Elder Cook did likewise. In fact he went from table to table greeting everyone and thanking them for coming. It was such a gracious act of caring for the individual that it really touched me. I got to shake his hand and look into his eyes as well and I appreciated that opportunity.
There were other great events this month such as a great Valentines dinner put on by Jaylene and Nicole for Angela and Jayson, Rob and Lacy, Nanny and Papa and Lani and me. It was fabulous!
Also, a great pizza party with Tim.
Life is great and we feel so blessed. Our children are all doing well and we are happy and blessed.